Monday, April 16, 2018

Assignment 30A - Final Reflection

Assignment 30A

This semester with ENT3003 has been a rollercoaster of emotions filled with work that ranged from mindless to extremely challenging. As a student and entrepreneur, I feel as if I have grown with the entrepreneurial mindset and now see aspects such as opportunities and values in a way that better conform to successful business ideology and practices. I think one of my biggest takeaways from the course will be the value in understanding how starting a business differs from the perfect view of the Shark Tank-like experience that few get to be a part of. Whether it be the everyday decision making or background research of markets and customers that go into the operation before substantive sales are made, I now completely understand where individuals who start up their own business come from and even can empathize with their emotional output during the struggle to ascend. With each and every project that made me further examine my concept, I became away of how the difference between success and failure can be so slim in which extra preparation can lead to improving the odds of economic stimulus. For those who take this class in the future, I would advise them to take this class seriously and constantly remain in the mindset as if it was truly their business concept and they were invested personally and financially. This can lead to not only better class performance but will bring out true entrepreneurial practices that they can apply to potential future business and academic ventures.


  1. You're absolutely right, hashing out the details and all the planning, I could see how easily somebody can get carried away and invest years of their life. Then suddenly from external factors lose everything in a heart beat, which can be devastating!

  2. Hi Andrew,
    I agree with you that there is a difference in starting a business that most people do and then the nice and pretty businesses that they show on Shark Tank. You really have to be able to put in the extra time and effort in order to be successful and understand your market. But this class has been a great experience in that it has given us insight into the entrepreneurial process and I know my mindset has changed when it comes to thinking about this type of stuff.

  3. I agree with you and my idea of what it means to start a business is very different now. I always figured there would be an epiphany moment or an amazing idea like the ones on shark tank as you mentioned. In reality it takes hard work and trial and error. No one idea will be perfect but the way in which you implement it will determine it's success.
